The Building Energy Act as the key to efficient construction

by Senanur Günes | May, 28 2024

In a world where the call for sustainability and environmental protection is getting louder and louder, we are faced with the challenge of making our buildings better and more efficient. But how can we achieve this goal? The answer lies in the Building Energy Act (GEG), a law that is not only revolutionizing the construction industry, but also pointing the way to a greener future. With the motto “Building Better”, the GEG provides the basis for more sustainable construction methods and an energy-efficient future.

This blog post is about how the GEG is setting the standards for green building and the impact it is having on the construction industry and our society. Ready to discover the future of construction? Then let’s dive into the world of “Building Better” together with the Building Energy Act.

Low-emission construction and action is a task for society as a whole in order to reduce the use of resources and the generation of emissions. Germany has set itself the goal of keeping its building stock climate-neutral by 2045.

But what does sustainability actually mean in the construction industry? It involves using renewable energy, reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste and emissions and creating healthy indoor spaces. It is a necessary step to ensure an environmentally conscious future for generations to come.

Sustainability refers to the planning, construction and use of buildings and infrastructure, taking into account ecological, economic and social aspects. This can minimize negative impacts on the environment and improve people’s quality of life. It is a comprehensive approach that aims to create low-emission and long-term profitable buildings and ensures value retention.

However, sustainability in construction presents us with various challenges, but also offers many opportunities. One of these challenges is overcoming traditional construction methods and ways of thinking and developing innovative solutions, as well as developing new technologies and business opportunities (such as planBIC). In addition, high costs are part of realizing the long-term economic benefits of an environmentally conscious building.

Sustainable building: Challenges, opportunities and goals for a climate-neutral future

Nachhaltiges Bauen: Herausforderungen, Chancen und Ziele für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft

Furthermore, the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) offers a variety of funding programs for building owners and renovators who want to implement energy-efficient and low-emission construction projects. The following funding programs are supported:

  • Energy-efficient construction and refurbishment: KfW offers low-interest loans and repayment grants for measures to improve the energy efficiency of residential buildings, such as insulating facades, installing efficient heating systems or using renewable energies.
  • KfW efficiency houses: Particularly energy-efficient new buildings that meet the KfW efficiency house standard can benefit from funding conditions including low-interest loans and repayment subsidies
  • Construction supervision and energy advice: KfW supports building owners in the planning and implementation of their construction projects with financial subsidies for professional construction supervision and energy advice
  • KfW environmental program: The environmental program is aimed at companies, municipalities and private building owners who wish to invest in environmentally friendly technologies and measures. This includes loans and grants for the use of renewable energies, the improvement of energy efficiency and the reduction of CO2 emissions

KfW offers comprehensive advisory services and information materials for building owners and renovators to help you select the right promotional program and submit your application. In addition, independent energy consultants and experts are also available to help with the planning and implementation of energy-efficient construction projects. All in all, this gives building owners the opportunity to implement their construction projects more cost-effectively and ecologically and to make an important contribution to climate protection.

Energy-efficient construction and renovation: KfW funding opportunities for sustainable construction projects

Energieeffizientes Bauen und Sanieren: Fördermöglichkeiten der KfW für nachhaltige Bauprojekte

The previous laws of the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV), the Renewable Energies Heat Act (EEWärmeG) and the Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energies in the Heating Sector (EEWärmeG), which were replaced and combined by the Building Energy Act (GEG) in 2020. It contains requirements for the energy quality of buildings, the creation and use of energy certificates and the use of renewable energies in the heat supply of buildings. The aim is to reduce the energy consumption of buildings and promote the use of renewable energies in order to achieve the German government’s climate protection targets.

Some of the important aspects and regulations of the Building Energy Act are:

  • Energy efficiency standards: The GEG defines clear standards for the energy efficiency of buildings, which apply to both new buildings and renovations. It sets requirements for the maximum annual primary energy demand and the maximum transmission heat loss
  • Renewable energies: The GEG stipulates that a certain proportion of the heating and cooling requirements of buildings must be covered by renewable energies, such as solar energy, biomass, geothermal energy and environmental heat
  • Energy certificates: The GEG standardizes the requirements for energy certificates for buildings and creates transparency regarding the energy consumption and energy quality of buildings. Energy certificates are mandatory when selling, renting or constructing a new building
  • Fines and sanctions: The GEG provides for fines and sanctions for breaches of the energy requirements and obligations. Builders and owners who do not comply with the regulations can be fined
  • Adaptation periods: The GEG provides for transition and adaptation periods for existing buildings in order to enable a gradual implementation of the new requirements, which ensures that older buildings also gradually become more energy efficient
  • Minimum requirements for structural thermal insulation: The GEG contains clear minimum requirements for the structural thermal insulation of buildings to ensure that they are adequately protected from heat loss, such as the requirements for the heat transfer coefficients of building components such as walls, windows and roofs

The Building Energy Act is an important component of German climate and energy policy and sets clear standards for energy-efficient construction and renovation. It promotes the use of renewable energies, reduces the energy consumption of buildings and thus contributes to achieving climate protection targets. However, this often requires investment in new technologies and training, which also creates new business opportunities.

The Building Energy Act: energy-efficient construction and renovation in the service of climate protection

Das Gebäudeenergiegesetz: Energieeffizientes Bauen und Sanieren im Dienste des Klimaschutzes

Efficient construction planning and sustainability with planBIC: your guide through the flood of information

In this day and age, when we are confronted with a flood of information and often have to laboriously search for relevant and helpful information, the question arises: what is the best and quickest way to get the information we need without wasting hours trawling through countless websites and still not achieving the desired results? The solution could soon be provided by the “planBIC” software, which introduces a new eco-tool specifically in connection with sustainability and the Building Energy Act.

This innovative tool focuses on providing you with a customized source of information that allows you to focus quickly and specifically on the relevant topics. Whether you need to search for technical terms, find suitable products for your building project and location or check legal requirements, planBIC provides you with a user-friendly platform to complete all these tasks effortlessly.

In addition, planBIC helps you to create a repayment plan that helps you to better understand and plan your financial obligations as part of your construction or renovation projects. And all this quickly and easily. The aim is to help you plan, build and refurbish more efficient buildings, thereby making an important contribution to climate protection.

Effiziente Bauplanung und Nachhaltigkeit mit planBIC: Ihr Wegweiser durch die Informationsflut

Sustainability and the Building Energy Act are two very important and decisive factors for the future of the construction industry. By constructing and operating energy-efficient buildings and using resource-conserving building materials, we can not only protect the environment, but also achieve long-term savings while improving the quality of life for people and future generations. The GEG shows that sustainability in the construction industry is not an option, but an obligation. It challenges builders, architects and planners to break new ground and develop innovative solutions that make both ecological and economic sense.

Discover planBIC, a pioneering software-as-a-service solution that enables automated completeness and quality checks of construction project documents as well as collaborative working in the cloud. Revolutionize your construction projects with efficient checks.
